
Workplace Week London 2019: Productivity - Linking Workplace Design to Leadership

We are delighted to support Workplace Week again this year. Director of 360 Workplace, will share the latest insights on workplace productivity at our sister company Area fringe event on 12th November.

Once again, we have partnered with Worktech Academy - the global online platform and community exploring the future of work and workplace - to produce this research. Our 2018 report identified the close relationship between workplace design and business leadership. In 2019, we will be exploring new design models supporting different types of leadership to help to boost productivity. The research programme has included workshops, roundtables and survey to senior decision-makers over the past 4 months.

The event kicks off at 16:00 at our London Bridge office.

Register here 


Revitalising the Workplace: Optimising the Workplace Experience People Want to Enjoy

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