
Our New London HQ

The Brief

At 360 Workplace, we wholeheartedly embrace the principle of leading by example.

With expertise in crafting workspaces to boost productivity, foster collaboration, and enhance employee experience, we recognise the significance of crafting an outstanding work environment for our own team at our new London HQ.


Workplace Strategy, Employee Engagement, Change Management




4,000 sq ft


What We Did

To kickstart the process, we conducted a comprehensive employee survey. Our primary objective was to gather insights into our team’s preferences, evaluate the effectiveness of our previous office layout, and identify areas for improvement. By prioritising open communication with our team members and engaging in discussions to understand their specific requirements, we ensured that their voices were not only heard but also addressed. This crucial initial step was instrumental in identifying pain points and laying the groundwork for the project.

In response to employee feedback, we introduced the concept of “neighbourhoods” within the office. These distinct areas cater to different workstyles, offering private spaces for video calls and collaborative zones where our designers and project managers can convene for idea generation, thereby enhancing team cohesion and flexibility.

We conducted a detailed analysis and a space audit of the previous office layout, breaking down the space into various zones and examining utilisation patterns. This occupancy data provided insights into the average office usage and post-pandemic occupancy trends among our team. This analysis revealed a strong demand for both dedicated focus areas and collaborative spaces, highlighting the need for both privacy and teamwork.

Based on the findings, we proposed a desk ratio of 6:10, effectively balancing individual and collaborative workspaces. This ratio was further delineated into individual and collaborative areas, optimising space utilisation while fostering teamwork.

In addition to crafting a workspace tailored to our team’s needs, one of our foremost objectives was to establish an environment conducive to client meetings and discussions, one of which we could take pride in. The new office exudes a welcoming and professional ambiance, ideal for facilitating client interactions. We’ve allocated dedicated meeting rooms, equipped with cutting-edge technology, ensuring seamless clients and team meetings.

The Outcome

Our new office serves as a platform to showcase the products and solutions we recommend to our clients. We have integrated innovative furniture, ergonomic solutions, technology, and sustainable materials into the design, allowing our clients to witness and experience the quality and functionality of these products in a real-world context.

The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with our workspace being praised as the perfect venue to host clients—an immersive showroom that embodies our expertise.

Our office also actively supports the social aspect of work, providing a vibrant setting for celebrating events and fostering a strong sense of community among our team. The kitchen, centrally located within the workspace, has become a focal point for our team, where people gather to enjoy meals, chat, and engage in informal interactions.

Whether it’s celebrating achievements, milestones, or simply enjoying casual gatherings in the breakout space, our office has become a hub of interaction and shared experiences. We look forward to building on this success and further enhancing our workspace to create an environment that inspires productivity, collaboration, and a sense of pride.



360 Workplace case study


Eigen Technologies

360 Workplace case study



360 Workplace case study

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