Supporting your journey through workplace transformation
Your people are your most valuable asset therefore supporting your employees through change ensures buy-in, engagement and ultimately a positive workplace culture. A change programme should ideally be initiated during RIBA Stage 2 (Concept design), enabling early engagement with people who will be using the future space. Having contributed to the design and development of their new space and understanding what working differently looks like, will encourage positive change in behaviours and adoption of new ways of working.
People can develop a strong sense of ownership about their workplace, in particular their desk and immediate surroundings. Change is a journey which staff need to both buy into and go on to ensure they are happy, productive and effective in their new work environment.
We facilitate the journey for employees from how they work today, to how they will work in the future through a process of workshops, surveys, focus groups, interviews, communications, training and events. This helps to mitigate potential barriers throughout and deliver a successful, seamless and efficient transformation process.
Employee engagement is a critical component to a successful organisation, yet research shows that only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work.
Engaged employees are 20% more productive, 41% less absent, and 21% more profitable.
of organisation fail to meet their own bottom line objectives by failing to adequately implement a concise change management process when implementing new workplace strategies.
The modern workplace is constantly in flux and change is inevitable. In this equation if people are neglected then the bottom line will always be negatively impacted.
Workplace change
Every organisation is unique. We tailor our change programmes to individual requirements after establishing your specific objectives. Whether you’re relocating, refurbishing in situ, reducing/expanding your workplace or implementing activity- based working, we can create a programme of activities, workshops and communications to engage and inform staff throughout the process. Programme initiatives can include storage audits and model spaces including renders and a virtual reality tour and a full communications plan.